Pioneers of macrobiotics and natural lifestyles...since 1985
Natural diet
Personal ecology
Sustainable life style

Pleasure of enjoying healthy and delicious food

in an openhearted environment
Joy of spiritual awakening and mind stretching
Joy of meeting new people
Inspiration and creativity
A peaceful, nurturing and healing atmosphere

The best education in the field of natural life styles:
§ Cooking workshops, seminars, lectures
§ Yoga, Do-In, Back exercises, Exercises for pregnant women
§ The School of Natural Cooking According to the Macrobiotic Principles
§ The International Shiatsu School Croatia
§ Academy of Living
§ Shiatsu treatments
§ Individual counselling
§ Residential programs

Makronova Institute
Ilica 11/1st floor
10000 Zagreb
Phone: +385 1 4847 119
Fax: +385 1 4847 117
e-mail: info@makronova.com